Product introduction


Oxalic acid

General properties

Chemical Name
Oxalic acid
Chemical formula

Main Applications

Food additive,Rust removal,cleaning,Capacitor related,Organic Chemistry Synthesis

Oxalic acid

  • しゅう酸 食添用
    Oxalic acid for food additives
  • しゅう酸 食添用 台湾品
    Oxalic acid for food additives Taiwanese product
  • しゅう酸 工業用
    Oxalic acid for industrial use
  • しゅう酸 工業用 中国品
    Oxalic acid for industrial use, Chinese product

Product types and specifications

Taiwanese product (refill) Taiwanese product (imported bag) Chinese products
Food additive Food additive Industrial Industrial
(Refined product)
Oxalic acidFood additive Oxalic acidFood additiveTaiwanese product Oxalic acidIndustrial Oxalic acidIndustrialChinese products
Shape (appearance) Colorless crystals Colorless crystals
purity 99.5 % or more 99.6 % or more 99.6 % or more 99.6 % or more
Sulfate (SO4) 0.077 % or less 150 ppm or less 20 ppm or less Less than 10 ppm
Lead (Pb) 2μg/g or less Less than 1μg/g 0.0001 % or less 0.0001 % or less
Diarsenic trioxide (As) Less than 3μg/g 0.0003 % or less
Ignition residue (Ash) 0.3 % or less

*食添用詰め替え品の規格は「食品添加物公定書 第10版」に基づいています。


Refill: 25kg in 3-ply paper bag (with polyethylene)
Imported: 25kg paper bag*
*Packaging of imported products is determined by the manufacturer.

Recruitment Information
